What Inspires You? A Musical Interlude

Working with music on: some love it, some can’t stand it.

I go through phases and change my working environment throughout the day. I find that this gives me more energy (a change is as good as a rest, they say) and music can get distracting if I know the words to songs. An alternative to this is instrumental tracks, a few of which I have linked to below. Even if I’m not working, I find this music extremely inspiring, so I hope you enjoy it (go on, give yourself a little break!):

• The Heart Asks Pleasure First – Michael Nyman (listen here). I absolutely love piano music – I have always said that I would love to learn to play the piano, but it’s always been one of those things that has slipped through the net. This is a deep and brooding piece that I have loved since the first time I heard it.
• La Noyée – Yann Tiersen (listen here). I was introduced to Yann Tiersen’s music late, after all of the popularity of Amélie had died down, but this particular track has really stuck with me. I find it very uplifting – it makes my mind soar and gives me a rush that makes me think anything is possible.
• Ludivico Einaudi is another composer who has caught my eye (or rather, ear). My brother, a musician and composer, introduced the Italian’s music to me a few years ago. He always has someone new for me to listen to, a product of his extensive knowledge and eclectic tastes. My favourite piece of Einaudi’s music is this one.

As the stars of Monty Python used to say, and now for something completely different:

• John Mayer. I know a lot of people, of very different age groups, who enjoy Mayer’s music, although it is fair to say that my other half does not share my feelings here! I tried and failed to narrow down my selection to one, so here are my favourite two John Mayer tracks for relaxing and recharging for a little while (after all, we freelancers deserve it!).

1. Freefallin’ – a cover of Tom Petty’s famous version from 1989 (listen here)
2. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room – (listen here)

There are, of course, many more tracks on my working playlist, but I won’t inundate you with them! Do you have any favourite tracks to work to? I look forward to receiving your recommendations for inspiring pieces of music.